The Real-Time Mixed-Trust (RTMT) Framework [2] enables the use of untrusted components in safety-critical CPS functions (e.g., driving a car) by monitoring their actions with verified and trusted components (called enforcers ) that correct unsafe actions to guarantee critical safety properties (e.g., brake to prevent a crash). The enforcers are run within a verified hypervisor that protects them from security attacks or bugs and the untrusted components are run in an unverified virtual machine (VM) on top of the hypervisor. The untrusted and trusted components are executed as a single coordinated sporadic real-time task, called a mixed-trust task , where the untrusted part is known as the guest task (GT, because it runs in the guest VM) and the trusted part running in the hypervisor (HV) is known as the hypertask (HT). The GT is run by a preemptive fixed-priority scheduler in the VM and the HT by a non-preemptive fixed-priority scheduler in the HV. The non-preemptive scheduler prevents interleavings and simplifies the logical verification [4] , [5] . From a timing point of view, the HT monitors that the GT produces a valid output before the deadline, and if not, the HT itself produces a safe output before the deadline elapses. A new set of schedulability equations to evaluate their schedulability were presented in [2] along with a full discussion of the framework.
James Newsome,et al.
Design, Implementation and Verification of an eXtensible and Modular Hypervisor Framework
2013 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Aloysius K. Mok,et al.
A multiframe model for real-time tasks
17th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.
Sagar Chaki,et al.
überSpark: Enforcing Verifiable Object Abstractions for Automated Compositional Security Analysis of a Hypervisor
USENIX Security Symposium.
John P. Lehoczky,et al.
Mixed-Trust Computing for Real-Time Systems
2019 IEEE 25th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA).
Alan Burns,et al.
Controller Area Network (CAN) schedulability analysis: Refuted, revisited and revised
Real-Time Systems.