Unified projection of the performance and economics of radiation-initiated NO/sub x//SO/sub x/ emission control technologies. Quarterly progress report No. 1, October 1, 1984-December 31, 1984

The principal objective of the program is to develop unified projections of performance limits and to carry out economic evaluations and intercomparisons for advanced radiation initiated NO/sub x//SO/sub x/ post-combustion control concepts. These include the e-beam technique which has been evaluated in large scale devices (and is currently being demonstrated in a coal-fired utility-boiler slipstream), the low temperature plasma/discharge and microwave concepts which are at laboratory development stages, and laser/photo-lamps concepts which have not been seriously investigated to date. Other objectives of the proposed program are to identify critical parameters which have not been measured and to design experiments to obtain these data. Thus far, work has begun on building a database on various electron beam radiation processes. Most of the available Japanese information has been obtained; US information sources are being pursued. The computer code CHEMKIN has been selected for use in the model. The code is discussed. 6 references, 3 figures.