1 Natural Hazards Victimization: An Overview.- The Incidence of Disaster Experiences.- Hazard-Generated Injuries and Damages.- Sources of Help.- Recovery and Lingering Effects.- Conclusion.- 2 Estimating Hazard Events and Consequences through a Victimization Survey.- Research Strategy.- Research Design.- The Hazards Studied.- Plan of the Monograph.- 3 The Victimization Survey: Data Collection and Survey Implementation.- The Screener Telephone Interview.- The Mail Survey.- The Event Sample.- Analysis of Nonresponse.- Sample Characteristics.- Summary.- 4 The Incidence of Hazard Experiences..- The Base Period and.- Representativeness.- Hazard Experiences.- Hazard Victimization Experiences.- Comparisons with Other Estimates.- Year-by-Year Hazard Victimization Rates, 1970 through 1980.- Multiple Natural-Hazard Victimization-Events.- Calibrating Natural Hazard Incidence.- The Spatial and Social Distribution of Natural Disaster Events.- Comparison with Other Noxious Events.- Summary.- 5 Deaths, Injuries, Damages, and Total Costs.- Estimating "Total Dollar Costs".- Defining Serious Hazard Events.- Injuries and Their Monetary Costs.- Injury Rates by Selected Household Characteristics.- "Total Dollar Costs" Resulting from Hazards.- National Estimates of Total Dollar Costs.- Damage to Property and Personal Possessions.- The Distribution of Dollar Costs by Household Characteristics.- Summary.- 6 Patterns of Aid to Hazard Victims.- A Technical Note.- Insurance Coverage and Claims.- Other Financial Aid Received.- Equity in Financial Help.- Informal Sources of Help.- Help from All Sources.- Hazard Aftermaths.- Summary.- References.- Appendix A Estimates of Victimization and Losses Based on Pre-1980 Data.- Hazard Victimization by Agent: Existing Estimates (as of 1979).- Appendix B Questionnaires Used in the National Telephone Survey and the Mailed Survey of Hazard Victims.