Fast and Area Efficient Implementation of RSA Algorithm

Abstract Efficient hardware implementations of public-key cryptosystems have been gaining interest in the past few decades. To achieve the goal, a high frequency as well as low latency Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptosystem is reported in this paper. To configure such cryptosystem shift-add multiplier have been re-constructed and binary digit based modular exponentiation circuitry is proposed. Such exponentiation circuitry has been implemented through binary bit distribution technique, where, most significant bit (MSB) has been discarded for the implementation, owing to increase the operating frequency. The functionality of the reported algorithms were justified and compared in Hardware Description Language (HDL), simulated in Modelsim and synthesized in Xilinx ISE 14.2 platform. The proposed hardware implementation of RSA algorithm has a maximum frequency of operation of 545 MHz and 298 MHz for the bit sizes of 8 and 64 respectively. The proposed method shows improvements in terms of speed as well as in number of Look-up-tables (LUTs). Moreover, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation of such cryptosystem of RSA was carried out through Encounter® RTL Compiler v11.10-p005_1 of Cadence® tool.