An innovative process improvement approach that integrates ISO 9000 with the Baldrige framework

Presents an innovative approach used by one company to integrate its ISO 9000‐certified management system with a recognised TQM framework (the Baldrige model). The company concerned developed its ISO 9000 system to address all elements of the Baldrige criteria. Of particular note is its process improvement approach that prioritises improvement projects based on their expected impact on the company’s Baldrige score. This approach supported by an online Lotus Notes system helps the company to manage over 200 projects, covering different business units, in a systematic, fact‐based way. All projects (with the exception of some strategic projects) pass through this system and therefore this system provides one of the key methods with which the company continuously improves and moves closer to fully satisfying its stakeholders’ needs. A detailed description of this process improvement approach is provided including a number of key measures reporting on the effectiveness of the system.