Comparison of a Bat and Genetic Algorithm Generated Sequence Against Lead Through Programming When Assembling a PCB Using a Six-Axis Robot With Multiple Motions and Speeds
An optimal component feeder arrangement and robotic placement sequence are both important for improving assembly efficiency. Both problems are combinatorial in nature and known to be NP-hard. This article presents a novel discrete hybrid bat-inspired algorithm for solving the feeder slot assignment and placement sequence problem encountered when planning robotic assembly of electronic components. In our method, we use the concepts of swap operators and swap sequence to redefine position and velocity operators from the basic bat algorithm (BA). Furthermore, we propose an improved local search method based on genetic operators of crossover and mutation enhanced by the 2-opt search procedure. The algorithm is formulated with the objective of minimizing the total traveling distance of the pick-and-place device. Through numerical experiments, using a real printed circuit board (PCB) assembly scenario, we demonstrate the considerable effectiveness of the proposed discrete BA to improve the selection of feeder arrangement and placement sequence in PCB assembly operations and achieve high throughput production. The results also highlighted that even though the algorithms outperformed traditional lead through programming techniques, the programmer must consider the influence of different robot motions and speeds.