Movement of the workpiece based on LabVIEW sorting method

Movement of the workpiece based on LabVIEW sorting method, comprising the following steps: 1) The image processing method of the video stream, using the detection algorithm from among the captured video motion position and posture of the workpiece; 2) the camera calibration algorithm, using the calibration the movement of the workpiece algorithm pixel coordinates in the camera image is converted to physical coordinates in the world coordinate system of the workpiece. 3) the camera radial distortion correction algorithm for eliminating radial distortion introduced by a wide angle lens image. 4) the Kalman prediction algorithm for the position prediction motion of the workpiece, a workpiece position acquired without time delay. 5) the type of recognition algorithm workpiece, when the workpiece passes from the conveyor, the workpiece image collected by the camera, to identify the type of the workpiece, ease of classification. 6) the robot motion control method, comprising the trajectory planning method, the track control method, the robot can select the optimal path, rapid sorting workpieces.