Propagation characteristics on line-of-sight over-sea paths in Japan

The results of line-of-sight over-sea propagation measurements over 37.2- and 35.5-km paths near Tokyo, Japan, are presented. Measurements of the fading (0.25, 3.99, 4.15, 6.72, and 18.0 GHz) of the cross polarization distortion (linear polarized wave at 4.15 GHz and circular polarized wave at 6.72 GHz) of the space diversity effect at 4.15 GHz, of the height-gain patterns at 6.72 GHz, and of the frequency-sweep patterns from 18 GHz to 22 GHz are included. The following statistical results are presented: the frequency, seasonal, and path dependence of fading; the effect of different fading occurrence mechanisms, such as K-type, duct-type, and distorted raindrops, for the cross polarization distortion; the diversity improvement factor; the effective reflection coefficient of sea surface; and the path-length difference between direct and sea reflected waves.