Establishing Normal Values for Shear-Wave Elastography of the Renal Cortex in Healthy Adults

Background: Shear-wave elastography of the kidney has emerged as a potential clinical application of this novel imaging tool. However, normal velocity values for shear-wave elastography involving the cortex of healthy kidneys have not been definitively established, and both inter- and intraobserver reliability has yet to be comprehensively evaluated. Methods: This prospective study involved ultrasound examination of 11 healthy adults. Shear-wave velocity values were obtained at the renal cortex in the longitudinal and transverse planes by both junior (fellow) and senior (attending) radiologists. Results: The mean shear-wave velocity values ranged between 2.82 and 2.9 m/s, which did not vary significantly between observers (junior vs. senior) or method of measurement (longitudinal vs. transverse planes), P = 0.533. However, there was a wide variation for these measurements (0.51–4.99 m/s). Separate analysis of the measurement depth demonstrated no statistically significant association with the shear-wave velocity values, P = 0.477. Conclusion: Our results agree with previous publications and help establish normal shear-wave velocity values and their range for the renal cortex in adults.