Understanding the Drivers of Cloud-Based Service Adoption and Their Impact on the Organizational Performance: An Indian Perspective

Thisstudyaimstounderstandthedriversofcloud-basedservices(CBS)adoptionanditsimpact ontheperformanceofIndianorganizations.Theconceptualmodelwasdevelopedusingdiffusion ofinnovationtheory,technology-organization-environmentframework,transactioncosteconomics, technologyacceptancemodel,andbalancedscorecardmodel.Thisquantitativestudycollecteddata fromITexpertsof334Indianorganizationsusingquestionnairesurveymethod.Dataanalysisusing structuralequationmodellingrevealsthatamongsixidentifieddrivers,credibilityofcloudservice providerhasthestrongestimpactonthedecisiontoadoptCBS,followedbytopmanagementattitude, economicflexibility,perceivedusefulness,andrelativeadvantage.Whileperceivedeaseofuseof theCBSwasfoundstatisticallynotsignificant.Conversely,theimpactofCBSadoptionwasfound strongestonthefinancialperformanceoftheorganizations.Further,CBS’sadoptiondriversandtheir impactonperformancevarysignificantlyonthebasisofageandsizeoftheorganizations. KeywORDS Adoption, Balanced Scorecard Model, Cloud Computing, Organizational Performance, Technology Adoption

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