ModularCross-Coupling Controller for5-Axis MachineTools fortheInternational Conference onSmartManufacturing Application (ICSMA2008)
Thispaper proposes amodular cross-coupling controller toimprove thecontouring andtoolorientation accuracies in5-axis CNC machining. Theproposed cross-coupling controller isbasedonreal-time estimation of contour andtoolorientation errors. Intheproposed controller, a3-diemnsional contour error modelandanewly introduced tool orientation error modelcanprovide accurate information respectively oncontour andtool orientation errors inreal timeforanarbitrary machined surface. Bothmodels utilize onlyinterpolator outputs andposition and angle feedback fromeachaxis. Therefore, theproposed controller offers amodular structure andcanbeeasily integrated withanytypeofexisting interpolators andservo controllers inaplugandplay manner without anyadditional hardware. Theproposed cross-coupling controller coordinates five axesofmotion simultaneously, resulting inbetter performance than theconventional individual axis controllers. Theaccuracy ofthe3-dimensional contour error andnew toolorientation error modelsiscompared withthatoftheexisting model. Theperformance oftheproposed cross-coupling controller isalso evaluated bycomputer simulations incomparison withtheconventional controller and theexisting 5-axis cross-coupling controller.
[1] Chang-Huan Liu,et al. Cross-Coupled Adaptive Feedrate Control for Multiaxis Machine Tools , 1991 .