Synthesis of Reconfigurable Conical Antenna for Mobile Communication System

Remarkable equipment development in the field of communication and the growing end user requirement has lifted the need for multi-functional wireless communication devices. Since antenna is the basic part of each wireless communication scheme and multi-functional antennas are looked-for to meet up the requirements of present progress, those be able to sustain compound functions in a particular antenna constituent by sustaining other than one operational frequency . For this reason reconfigurable multiband antennas can be used basically to lessen the amount of antennas needed for projected system application. The purpose this thesis is to Synthesis of Reconfigurable Multiband Conical Antenna equipped with the competence of fine-tuning to Synthesis a antenna that could work with mobile equipments also. Varactor diodes are used, and the capacitance range from 1 pF to 10 pF are engaged to get Reconfigurability and Matlab software tool is used to carry out the antenna Synthesising.