Deployment Strategies of Managed Lanes on Arterials

This report investigates issues related to planning, financing, deployment, and operation of managed lanes on arterials. In this report, a strategy for managed lanes refers to a combination of the managed lane type, the design and implementation, and the scheme for managing traffic on these lanes. The authors' investigation indicates that high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, high-occupancy/toll (HOT) lanes, express-toll (ET) lanes, and bus-only lanes are suitable for implementation on arterials in Florida. Details concerning their designs and implementations are discussed along with traffic management schemes such as intersection treatment, segment management, and automatic enforcement. A flow chart for determining an appropriate managed lane strategy for implementation is also provided. The report also identifies the necessary steps in performance evaluation before and after an implementation of a managed lane project along with other issues such as agency responsibility and use of toll revenue, when applicable. Useful evaluation tools such as sketch, project, and operational planning are also identified in this report. Finally, two procedures are proposed, one for selecting arterials for managed lane implementations and the other for evaluating a deployment plan for managed lanes.