Radioactive data: tracing through training

We want to detect whether a particular image dataset has been used to train a model. We propose a new technique, \emph{radioactive data}, that makes imperceptible changes to this dataset such that any model trained on it will bear an identifiable mark. The mark is robust to strong variations such as different architectures or optimization methods. Given a trained model, our technique detects the use of radioactive data and provides a level of confidence (p-value). Our experiments on large-scale benchmarks (Imagenet), using standard architectures (Resnet-18, VGG-16, Densenet-121) and training procedures, show that we can detect usage of radioactive data with high confidence (p<10^-4) even when only 1% of the data used to trained our model is radioactive. Our method is robust to data augmentation and the stochasticity of deep network optimization. As a result, it offers a much higher signal-to-noise ratio than data poisoning and backdoor methods.

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