Design of Test Articles and Monitoring System for the Characterization of Hirf Effects on a Fault-Tolerant Computer Communication System

Abstract This report describes the design of the test articles and monitoring systems developed to characterize the response of a fault-tolerant computer communication system when stressed beyond the theoretical limits for guaranteed correct performance. A high-intensity radiated electromagnetic field (HIRF) environment was selected as the means of injecting faults, as such environments are known to have the potential to cause arbitrary and coincident common-mode fault manifestations that can overwhelm redundancy management mechanisms. The monitors generate stimuli for the systems-under-test (SUTs) and collect data in real-time on the internal state and the response at the external interfaces. A real-time health assessment capability was developed to support the automation of the test. A detailed description of the nature and structure of the collected data is included. The goal of the report is to provide insight into the design and operation of these systems, and to serve as a reference document for use in post-test analyses.