Influence of sowing windows and genotypes on growth, radiation interception, conversion efficiency and yield of guar

Crop growth largely depends on radiation. Radiation is the main impetus for photosynthesis and movement of photosynthates from source to sink. Therefore, identification of the optimum sowing windows and suitable cultivars for efficient utilization of radiation is of prime importance. A field study was conducted in red clay soil during 2014 and 2015 Kharif season and the treatments consisted of three genotypes and three sowing windows by using randomized complete block design with three replications. The effect of genotypes and sowing windows was found significant with respect to number of trifoliate leaves, leaf area ratio, dry matter production, grain numbers, pod length, test weight, grain yield, and stover yield of guar during 2014 as compared to 2015 sown crop. Statistically significant plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and a higher cumulative radiation interception were recorded with 15th August sown crop as compared to other sowing windows. The plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and maximum cumulative interception of radiation were significant with RGC-1003 as compared to RGC-936 and HG-365. It is observed that the incident PAR to dry matter accumulation conversion efficiency was varied with cultivars and different sowing windows which ranges from 0.74 g MJ−1 to 0.79 g MJ−1.

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