Urban Thin Quiet SMA Pavements - Paper TRB in Washington 2009
In the EU project SILENCE, work has been carried out to optimize the noise reduction of different types of pavements for urban roads.Danish Road Institute/Danish Road Directorate (DRI) has in cooperation with the municipality of Copenhagen and the Colas road construction company tested series of Stone Mastics Asphalt pavements and an open graded pavement, optimized for noise reduction by using small aggregate size of 4 to 6 mm and a relatively high percentage of built-in air voids as well as by using a small proportion of oversize ag-gregate.Eight different pavements were constructed in June 2007 on Kastrupvej in Copenhagen.DRI has con-ducted Statistical Pass By noise measurements and performed spectral analyses.An initial noise reduction for passenger cars of 4.3 dB in relation to a DAC 11 reference pavement of the same age has been obtained.