Wave mapping: detection of co-existing multiple wavefronts in high-resolution electrical mapping

High-resolution mapping makes it possible to reconstruct and display the conduction pattern of the action potential as it propagates through cardiac or smooth muscles. During slow and regular activity, time mapping of the spread of activation is relatively simple and straightforward. However, when frequencies are high or conduction is slow, such as seen during atrial fibrillation or found in the pregnant uterus, the tracking of individual waves may become more difficult and uncertain. In order to reconstruct the pathway of a single wave, a search and sorting routine was developed which makes it possible to distinguish, track and display individual wavelets. The algorithm is able to detect variations in conduction block, spontaneous shifts in the location of the pacemaker and changes in the direction of conduction. It is less sensitive when two or more wavefronts intermingle in space and time, such as during collision or fusion. Wave mapping is especially useful, in addition to current time mapping, in sorting quickly through the large amount of data produced by high-resolution mapping of electrical activities in cardiac and smooth muscle.

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