Simulation of ceramic particle formation: Comparison with in‐situ measurements

Ceramic particle formation processes have been studied using SiO{sub 2} as a model compound. Silica particles have been synthesized in a counterpropagating diffusion flame reactor, in which in-situ measurements of particle size and number density have been made. In addition, the time-temperature history of the particle field has been calculated from a flame simulation. Numerical simulations using moment and sectional methods for particle formation have been applied and compared to the experimental measurements. The simulations for the particle formation assume a kinetically-constrained approach, allowing a simple representation of nucleation, surface growth and coagulation. The results suggest that, if the source rates are known well enough, particle formation of low vapor pressure species can be predicted. Both models do well in predicting the gross features of particle formation (number density and mean particle size), although the moment solution does a poor job of predicting the polydispersity effects during periods of high monomer generation rates.