Musicalsignalsexhibit periodictemporalstructurethatcreates the sensationof rhythm. In orderto model,analyze,andretrieve musicalsignalsit is importantto automaticallyextract rhythmic information. To somewhat simplify the problem,automaticalgorithms typically only extract informationaboutthe main beatof thesignalwhich canbelooselydefinedastheregularperiodicsequenceof pulsescorresponding to wherea humanwould tap his foot while listeningto the music. In thesealgorithms,thebeatis characterizedby its frequency (tempo),phase(accentlocations) andaconfidencemeasureabout its detection. Themain focusof this paperis the conceptof Beat Strength, which will be looselydefinedasthe rhythmic characteristicsthat allow to discriminatebetweentwo piecesof musichaving thesame tempo. Using this definition, we can say that a pieceof Hard Rockhasa strongersenseof rhythmthana ClassicalMusic at the sametempo. Characteristicsrelatedto Beat Strength have been implicitely usedin automaticbeatdetectionalgorithmsandshown to be as importantas tempoinformation for musicclassification andretrieval. In this work, a userstudyexploring the perception of Beat Strength wasconductedandtheresultswereusedto calibrateandexplore automaticBeat Strength measuresbasedon the calculationof Beat Histograms.
Jean Laroche,et al.
Estimating tempo, swing and beat locations in audio recordings
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (Cat. No.01TH8575).
George Tzanetakis,et al.
Musical genre classification of audio signals
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process..
Eric D. Scheirer,et al.
Tempo and beat analysis of acoustic musical signals.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
J. Seppanen,et al.
Tatum grid analysis of musical signals
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (Cat. No.01TH8575).
Yoichi Muraoka,et al.
Musical understanding at the beat level: real-time beat tracking for audio signals