Principal components analysis (PCA) is a commonly used descriptive multivariate method for handling quantitative data and can be extended to deal with mixed measurement level data. For the extended PCA with such a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data, we require the quantification of qualitative data in order to obtain optimal scaling data. PCA with optimal scaling is referred to as nonlinear PCA, (Gifi, Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis. Wiley, Chichester, 1990). Nonlinear PCA including optimal scaling alternates between estimating the parameters of PCA and quantifying qualitative data. The alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm is used as the algorithm for nonlinear PCA and can find least squares solutions by minimizing two types of loss functions: a low-rank approximation and homogeneity analysis with restrictions. PRINCIPALS of Young et al. (Principal components of mixed measurement level multivariate data: an alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features 43:279–281, 1978) and PRINCALS of Gifi (Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis. Wiley, Chichester, 1990) are used for the computation.
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Convergence of the sequence of parameters generated by alternating least squares algorithms
Comput. Stat. Data Anal..
J. Leeuw,et al.
The Gifi system of descriptive multivariate analysis
M. Hill,et al.
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Symbolic objects in formal concept analysis
Jan de Leeuw,et al.
Gifi Methods for Optimal Scaling in R: The Package homals
Forrest W. Young.
Quantitative analysis of qualitative data
C. Eckart,et al.
The approximation of one matrix by another of lower rank
Forrest W. Young,et al.
The principal components of mixed measurement level multivariate data: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features
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CAR: A MATLAB Package to Compute Correspondence Analysis with Rotations
J. Kruskal.
Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: A numerical method