Theory of Tokamak Transport: New Aspects for Nuclear Fusion Reactor Design
Preface. Lists of physical constants, plasma parameters and frequently used symbols. 1 The quest for fusion power. 1.1 Tokamak machines. 1.2 Basic tokamak variables. 1.3 Global confinement times. 1.4 Heating. 1.5 Electron energy confinement time. References. 2 Tokamak magnetic fields. 2.1 Axisymmetric toroidal equilibrium. 2.2 Equilibrium in a circular torus. 2.3 Particle trapping in magnetic fields. 2.4 Trapping into kamak magnetic fields. 2.5 Diffusivity of trapped particles. References . 3 Energy transport in Tokamaks. 3.1 Bananaorbits. 3.2 Thermal conductivity. 3.3 Classical treatment of particle transport. 3.4 Neoclassical theory and its validity. 3.5 Second-order transport. References. 4 Energy losses from tokamaks. 4.1 Low poloidal beta. 4.2 High poloidal beta. 4.3 The L- and H-modes. 4.4 Thermal transport in the ion fluid. 4.5 Comparison of experiment and theory. 4.6 Profile instabilities. References. 5 Plasma flow and loop voltage. 5.1 Flow of plasma across strong magnetic fields. 5.2 Particle transport. 5.3 The toroidal current and voltage relationship. 5.4 Toroidal velocities. References. 6 Thermal Instabilities. 6.1 Sawtooth oscillations. 6.2 Disruptions. 6.3 MHD instabilities. 6.4 L Htransition, ELMS,Snakes,PEPS, andMARFES. 6.5 Minimum reactor size for ignition. References. A Plasma Physics Notes. A.1 Equations of fluid motion. A.2 Collision intervals and Spitzer resistivity. A.3 Energy in the electron and ion fluids. A.4 Cyclotron frequencies. A.5 Dimension alanalysis applied to energy confinement time. A.6 Divergence and curl in cylindrical coordinates. A.7 Tensorial form for Ohm's law. A.8 Constants of the motion of gyrating particles. A.9 Equilibrium velocity distribution function. A.10 Escape time for trapped particles. A.11 Motion of a fluid element. A.12 Kinetic equations. A.13 Drift kinetic equation. A.14 Guiding center drifts. A.15 Convection and diffusion. A.16 The decomposition of second-order tensors. A.17 Div and curl in local toroidal coordinates. A.18 Knudsen numbers and local thermodynamic equilibrium. A.19 Onsager's reciprocal relations in neoclassical transport. A.20 Putative role of turbulence in transport. A.21 Solution of a vector equation. A.22 Viscous stress tensor. A.23 Solutionof a tensor equation. A.24 MHD instabilities. A.25 The Catherine wheel fallacy. A.26 Limitations of Boltzmann's kinetic equation. References. Index.