Preface.1 Basic Electric and Magnetic Circuits.1.1 Introduction to Electric Circuits.1.2 Definitions of Key Electrical Quantities.1.3 Idealized Voltage and Current Sources.1.4 Electrical Resistance.1.5 Capacitance.1.6 Magnetic Circuits.1.7 Inductance.1.8 Transformers.2 Fundamentals of Electric Power.2.1 Effective Values of Voltage and Current.2.2 Idealized Components Subjected to Sinusoidal Voltages.2.3 Power Factor.2.4 The Power Triangle and Power Factor Correction.2.5 Three-Wire, Single-Phase Residential Wiring.2.6 Three-Phase Systems.2.7 Power Supplies.2.8 Power Quality.3 The Electric Power Industry.3.1 The Early Pioneers: Edison, Westinghouse, and Insull.3.2 The Electric Utility Industry Today.3.3 Polyphase Synchronous Generators.3.4 Carnot Efficiency for Heat Engines.3.5 Steam-Cycle Power Plants.3.6 Combustion Gas Turbines.3.7 Combined-Cycle Power Plants.3.8 Gas Turbines and Combined-Cycle Cogeneration.3.9 Baseload, Intermediate and Peaking Power Plants.3.10 Transmission and Distribution.3.11 The Regulatory Side of Electric Power.3.12 The Emergence of Competitive Markets.4 Distributed Generation.4.1 Electricity Generation in Transition.4.2 Distributed Generation with Fossil Fuels.4.3 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Technologies.4.4 Biomass for Electricity.4.5 Micro-Hydropower Systems.4.6 Fuel Cells.4.6.7 Electrical Characteristics of Real Fuel Cells.4.6.8 Types of Fuel Cells.4.6.9 Hydrogen Production.5 Economics of Distributed Resources.5.1 Distributed Resources (DR).5.2 Electric Utility Rate Structures.5.3 Energy Economics.5.4 Energy Conservation Supply Curves.5.5 Combined Heat and Power (CHP).5.6 Cooling, Heating, and Cogeneration.5.7 Distributed Benefits.5.8 Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) and Demand-Side Management (DSM).6 Wind Power Systems.6.1 Historical Development of Wind Power.6.2 Types of Wind Turbines.6.3 Power in the Wind.6.4 Impact of Tower Height.6.5 Maximum Rotor Efficiency.6.6 Wind Turbine Generators.6.7 Speed Control for Maximum Power.6.8 Average Power in the Wind.6.9 Simple Estimates of Wind Turbine Energy.6.10 Specific Wind Turbine Performance Calculations.6.11 Wind Turbine Economics.7 The Solar Resource.7.1 The Solar Spectrum.7.2 The Earth's Orbit.7.3 Altitude Angle of the Sun at Solar Noon.7.4 Solar Position at any Time of Day.7.5 Sun Path Diagrams for Shading Analysis.7.6 Solar Time and Civil (Clock) Time.7.7 Sunrise and Sunset.7.8 Clear Sky Direct-Beam Radiation.7.9 Total Clear Sky Insolation on a Collecting Surface.7.10 Monthly Clear-Sky Insolation.7.11 Solar Radiation Measurements.7.12 Average Monthly Insolation.8 Photovoltaic Materials and Electrical Characteristics.8.1 Introduction.8.2 Basic Semiconductor Physics.8.3 A Generic Photovoltaic Cell.8.4 From Cells to Modules to Arrays.8.5 The PV I -V Curve Under Standard Test Conditions (STC).8.6 Impacts of Temperature and Insolation on I -V Curves.8.7 Shading impacts on I-V curves.8.8 Crystalline Silicon Technologies.8.9 Thin-Film Photovoltaics.9 Photovoltaic Systems.9.1 Introduction to the Major Photovoltaic System Types.9.2 Current-Voltage Curves for Loads.9.3 Grid-Connected Systems.9.4 Grid-Connected PV System Economics.9.5 Stand-Alone PV Systems.9.6 PV-Powered Water Pumping.APPENDIX A: Useful Conversion Factors.APPENDIX B: Sun-Path Diagrams.APPENDIX C: Hourly Clear-Sky Insolation Tables.APPENDIX D: Monthly Clear-Sky Insolation Tables.APPENDIX E: Solar Insolation Tables byCity.APPENDIX F: Maps of Solar Insolation.Index.
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