Sources of coherence in reading
Contents: R.F. Lorch, Jr., E.J. O'Brien, Introduction: Sources of Coherence in Reading. K. Rayner, G.E. Raney, A. Pollatsek, Eye Movements and Discourse Processing. J.M. Keenan, T.M. Jennings, The Role of Word-Based Priming in Inference Research. W.K. Estes, Response Processes in Cognitive Models. A.W. Inhoff, C. Connine, Perceptual Similarity and Salience in the Accessing of Lexical Meaning. S.A. Duffy, A.F. Hundley, P.A. Baligian, Inferencing Upside Down. J.D. Murray, Logical Connectives and Local Coherence. J.M. Golding, K.M. Millis, J. Hauselt, S.A. Sego, The Effect of Connectives and Causal Relatedness on Text Comprehension. S. Dopkins, J. Nordlie, Processes of Anaphor Resolution. E.J. O'Brien, Automatic Components of Discourse Comprehension. E.N. Kamas, L.M. Reder, The Role of Familiarity in Cognitive Processing. C.R. Fletcher, S.T. Chrysler, P. van den Broek, J.A. Deaton, C.P. Bloom, The Role of Co-Occurrence, Coreference, and Causality in the Coherence of Conjoined Sentences. T. Trabasso, S. Suh, P. Payton, R. Jain, Explanatory Inferences and Other Strategies During Comprehension and Their Effect on Recall. M. Singer, Causal Validation and Causal Comprehension. J.E. Albrecht, E.J. O'Brien, Goal Processing and the Maintenance of Global Coherence. R.F. Lorch, Jr., Integration of Topic Information During Reading. A.C. Graesser, E.L. Bertus, J.P. Magliano, Inference Generation During the Comprehension of Narrative Text. W. Kintsch, M. Franzke, The Role of Background Knowledge in the Recall of a News Story. C.M. Jones, Construction of a Mental Model. P. van den Broek, K. Risden, E. Husebye-Hartmann, The Role of Readers' Standards for Coherence in the Generation of Inferences During Reading. R.F. Lorch, Jr., M.A. Klusewitz, E.P. Lorch, Distinctions Among Reading Situations.