Indexing and searching structure for multimedia database systems

Recently, multimedia database systems have emerged as a fruitful area for research due to the recent progress in high-speed communication networks, large capacity storage devices, digitized media,and data compression technologies over the last few years. Multimedia information has been used in a variety of applications including manufacturing, education, medicine, entertainment, etc. A multimedia database system integrates text, images, audio, graphics, database system is that all of the different media are brought together into one single unit, all controlled by a computer. As more information sources become available in multimedia systems, how to model and search the image processing techniques to model multimedia data. A Simultaneous Partition and Class Parameter Estimation algorithm that considers the problem of video frame segmentation as a joint estimation of the partition and class parameter variables has been developed and implemented to identify objects and their corresponding spatial relations. Based on the obtained object information, a web spatial model (WSM) is constructed. A WSM is a multimedia database searching structure to model the temporal and spatial relations of semantic objects so that multimedia database queries related to the objects' temporal and spatial relations on the images or video frames can be answered efficiently.