United States Life Tables, 2013.

Objectives-This report presents complete period life tables for the United States by race, Hispanic origin, and sex, based on agespecific death rates in 2013. Methods-Data used to prepare the 2013 life tables are 2013 final mortality statistics; July 1, 2013 population estimates based on the 2010 decennial census; and 2013 Medicare data for persons aged 66-99. The methodology used to estimate the 2013 life tables was first implemented with data year 2008. The methodology used to estimate the life tables for the Hispanic population remains unchanged from that developed for the publication of life tables by Hispanic origin for data year 2006. Results-In 2013, the overall expectation of life at birth was 78.8 years, unchanged from 2012. Between 2012 and 2013, life expectancy at birth remained the same for both males (76.4) and females (81.2), for the black population (75.5), the Hispanic population (81.9), and the non-Hispanic black population (75.1). Life expectancy at birth declined for both the white population (79.1 to 79.0) and the non-Hispanic white population (78.9 to 78.8).