High-sensitivity rotation sensing with atom interferometers using Aharonov-Bohm effect

In recent years there has been significant activity in research and development of high sensitivity accelerometers and gyroscopes using atom interferometers. In these devices, a fringe shift in the interference of atom de Broglie waves indicates the rotation rate of the interferometer relative to an inertial frame of reference. In both optical and atomic conventional Sagnac interferometers, the resultant phase difference due to rotation is independent of the wave velocity. However, we show that if an atom interforemeter is enclosed in a Faraday cage which is at some potential, the phase difference of the counter-propagating waves is proportional to the inverse square of the particle velocity and it is proportional to the applied potential. This is due to Aharonov-Bohm effect and it can be used to increase the rotation sensitivity of atom interferometers.