Localization of laser energy conversion by metal nanoparticles: basic effects and applications

Manipulation of material by optical means represents an emerging field with numerous applications. Especially in biology and medicine, the flexible and powerful potential of laser utilization holds great promises. For many applications, the resolution of the induced effects is essential. Besides focusing of the beam by various means, the use of sub-wavelengths nanoantenna could overcome this problem. The optical absorption of certain nanostructures is based on plasmon effects. We present studies of the use of metal (homogeneous gold or gold/silver core/shell systems) nanoparticles as antennas that convert the incident laser light into irreversible destructive effects. Based on the established field of DNA-conjugated nanoparticles, we investigated the sequence-specific attachment of DNA-nanoparticle complexes onto DNA with complementary sequences, in the state of double-stranded either isolated or metaphase chromosomal DNA. Important points were the adjustment of the absorption properties of the nanoparticles by control of their material composition (e.g., by addition of a silver layer to a gold core) and diameter. Another group of experiments studied chromosome-conjugated particles before and after laser treatment, in order to reveal the lateral extension of damages as well as the underlying mechanism.