1.5 cm long single mode fiber laser made by femtosecond exposure of heavily doped erbium-ytterbium fiber

The fabrication of a very short fiber laser made in heavily doped (0.23 wt% Er3+, 2.5 wt% Yb3+) Erbium-Ytterbium silica fiber is presented. The laser cavity is built by inscribing two identical Bragg gratings 8 mm apart as cavity mirrors using ultrafast femtosecond radiation from an infrared regenerative amplifier and the phase mask method. The fiber Bragg gratings have a 6.4 mm Gaussian distribution of the refractive index modulation and a 99.9% reflectivity. The evaluation of the broadband loss induced during the ultrafast laser exposure resulted in < 0.1 dB at the resonant wavelength. The fiber laser efficiency and the influence of thermal effects of the pump dissipation on the grating Brass resonance is also presented. Major advantages of ultrafast IR laser inscription of Bragg gratings for fiber lasers cavities will also be discussed.