This is an empirical Study that questioned college alumni who were graduated during the years 1982, 1983 and 1984. To be included in this study, each subject was to have had an exposure to either simulation or experiential exercises in either their graduate or undergraduate program. Each person was asked to report the importance of a set of 41 attributes or skills to their current jobs. In addition, they were asked to rate various teaching methods on how well each method conveyed this set of predetermined skills. The analysis of the data showed the following results; teaching methods employing experiential exercises best taught how to develop consensus, how to appraise performance and how to resolve conflict, while the use of simulations best taught how to measure objectives, how to solve problems systematically and how to forecast. The use of the case method best taught how to conceptualize, how to put structure to unstructured problems and how to think creatively. The only skill or attribute that traditional lectures taught best was how to listen reflectively.
James A. Waters,et al.
Managerial Skill Development
A. Tough.
The adult's learning projects : a fresh approach to theory and practice in adult learning
Richard J. Harris.
A primer of multivariate statistics
Katherine Culbertson,et al.
An Analysis of Supervisory Training Needs.
R. Kronmal,et al.
Discriminant functions when covariances are unequal and sample sizes are moderate
Betty Jo Licata,et al.
The Impact of Skill Learnability on the Effectiveness of Managerial Training and Development
Developing Management Skills
Richard T. Pascale,et al.
Zen and the Art of Management.