3D프린터용 설계데이터의 저작권보호와 원격출력을 지원하는 오픈 마켓 시스템 개발

The 3D printing is any of various processes for making a three dimensional object of almost any shape from a 3D model. Recently, a rapidly expanding hobbyist and home-use market has become established with the inauguration of the open-source RepRap and Fab@Home projects. However, this causes problems regarding copyright protection and usage of illegal 3D data. In this paper, we developed a 3D printing open-market system, which guarantees copyright protection using the remote 3D printing without direct distribution of 3D design data. Because most of the home-use 3D printers are FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) based on NC code system, open-market system uses FFF 3D printers. Also, open-market system inspects the uploaded 3D model data, so the system can prevent distribution of illegal model data such as weapons, etc.