Approach to Manage Semantic Informations from UGC

The purpose of this work is to face the issue of classification variety and non-homogeneity, especially in Web 2.0, for User Generated Content coming from popular digital platforms. The solution offered to this problem is an approach based on an ontology that can represent information, typically associated with UGCs, integrated with a unique mapping technique amongst ontology contents and UGCs contents coming from other platforms. Regarding standard information and information shared by many of these objects, existing relations are exploited through mapping, when possible; otherwise new ones are created when it is deemed necessary. Such an ontology can represent, as embedded information, folksonomies and all nonstandard information. That kind of information, despite being unclassifiable by means of standard schemas like the UGC ones, can be mapped. Rather than representing all properties of digital content, we were concerned with having an ontology that could associate semantic value to every tag, standard and not.