A value of statistical life (VSL) is used in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) as a monetary measure of the benefits to people from small risk reductions that arise from safety projects. Despite its widespread use in a number of countries, the concept of a VSL remains controversial, not least because it implies acceptance of the underlying ethical assumptions of CBA together with the idea that 'social welfare' can be measured and aggregated in some manner. In addition, to comply with theory, variable VSLs for different groups within society would be advocated. However, without fail, empirically, it is the case that those countries that employ a willingness to pay based approach to cost-benefit analysis of a safety project appraisal tend to use a single value for that accident context that is independent of the per capita income level, or indeed other personal characteristics, of the sub-group in society to which the safety improvement will actually apply. This article presents a straightforward, but theoretically justified adaptation to the calculation of a VSL which allows empirical practice by policymakers i.e. the application of a "common" VSL for any particular hazard within a given society, to be compatible with a CBA decision making approach.
Anna Alberini,et al.
Does the Value of a Statistical Life Vary with Age and Health Status? Evidence from the United States and Canada
J. Drèze,et al.
State-dependent utility, the demand for insurance and the value of safety
Michael Jones-Lee,et al.
The Economics Of Safety And Physical Risk
Michael Jones-Lee,et al.
Valuing lives equally: Defensible premise or unwarranted compromise?
Theodore C. Bergstrom,et al.
When is a Man's Life Worth More Than His Human Capital?
Michael Jones-Lee,et al.
The Value of Life and Safety
Roger Johansson,et al.
Vision Zero – Implementing a policy for traffic safety
J. Harsanyi.
Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility
W. Viscusi,et al.
Rational Risk Policy