XML Step by Step, Second Edition
From the Publisher:
Building on the popular first edition, this hands-on learning title demonstrates step by step how to create effective XML documents and display them on the Web. It also reviews the latest W3C standards, shows how to process XML in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 4.0, and expands coverage of namespaces, cascading style sheets (CSS), and other technologies. A companion CD-ROM includes XML examples plus extensive links to further resources.
It's the best self-paced tutorial for teaching yourself to use the latest XML standards and technology to write professional-quality software applications.
Written by a well-respected author who uses a proven formula for teaching XMLthe Microsoft step by step method
Key Book Benefits:
* Teaches a core set of skills for creating, displaying, and linking valid XML documents on the Web with Internet Explorer
* Shows how to use the latest XML schemas, data types, and stylesheets, plus important earlier features such as namespaces and cascading style sheets (CSS)
* Reviews the latest W3C standards and explains how to process XML in Internet Explorer 6.0 and MSXML 4.0