Renewable energy: a survey: the pros and cons of alternative energy sources. by Mohan Munasinghe
tag=1 data=Renewable energy: a survey: the pros and cons of alternative energy sources. by Mohan Munasinghe.
tag=2 data=Munasinghe, Mohan
tag=3 data=National Development.
tag=4 data=31
tag=5 data=2
tag=6 data=1990
tag=7 data=16-18.
tag=8 data=ENERGY
tag=10 data=New and renewable sources of energy have been receiving more and more attention in recent decades, especially in the developing world, as a cost-effective alternative to conventional forms of energy.
tag=11 data=1990/2/11
tag=12 data=413
tag=13 data=CAB