The role of binocular information in the 'on-line' control of prehension.

Binocular visual information may be involved in the selection of appropriate motor programs before a reach is executed or it may be involved during the movement-execution phase in order to monitor and guide the hand to the target object. Here we introduced binocular information after 0%, 25%, 50% or 75% of the movement-execution phase and determined its effects on the kinematic indices of prehensile movements made to objects of different sizes placed at different distances. Kinematic indices linked to the transport component, such as peak velocity and time-to-peak velocity, were unaffected by the presence of binocular cues whereas later occurring indices, such as peak grip aperture and time in the slow phase, were significantly affected. Although the magnitude of the peak grip was affected by the presence of binocular cues, the time at which it occurred did not change. This pattern of results suggest that the visuo-motor control of prehensile movements utilises both feedforward and feedback strategies and that binocular cues are particularly important for the fine manual adjustments typical of the latter.