Parallelization and Distribution of a Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean General Circulation Model

Abstract The distribution of a climate model across homogeneous and heterogeneous computer environments with nodes that can reside at geographically different locations is investigated. This scientific application consists of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled to an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM). Three levels of code decomposition are considered to achieve a high degree of parallelism and to mask communication with computation. First, the domains of both the gridpoint AGCM and OGCM are divided into subdomains for which calculations an carded out concurrently (domain decomposition). Second, the model is decomposed based on the diversity of tasks performed by its major components (task decompositions). Three such components are identified: (a) AGCM/physics which computes the effects on the grid-scale flow of subgrid-scale processes such as convection and turbulent mixing; (b) AGCM/dynamics, which computes the evolution of the flow governed by the primitive equations; and (c) ...