Picture Perception in Animals

J.D. Delius, J. Emmerton, J. Ostheim, W. Horster, R. Jager, J. Ostheim, Picture-object Recognition in Pigeons. J.J. Peissig, M.E. Young, E.A. Wasserman, I. Biederman, The Pigeon's Perception of Depth-rotated shapes. S. Watanbabe, How Do Pigeons See Pictures? Recognition of the Real World from its 2- representation. D.M. Wilkie, Use of Pictures to Investigate Aspects of Pigeons' Spatial Cognition. M.L. Spetch, D.M. Kelly, S. Reid, Recognition of Objects and Spatial Relations in Pictures accross Changes in Viewpoint. S.E.G. Lea, W.H. Dittrich, What Do Birds See in Moving Video Images? R.G. Cook, J.S. Katz, D.M. Kelly, Pictorial Same-different Categorical Learning and Discrimination in Pigeons. L. Huber, Generic Perception: Open-ended Categorization of Natural Classes. O. Pascalis, O. Petit, J.H. Kim, R. Campbell, Picture Perception in Primates: The Case of Face Perception. J. Fagot, J. Martin-Malivel, D. Depy, What is the Evidence for an Equivalence Between Objects and Pictures in Birds and Nonhuman Primates? S. Treue, J.C. Martinez Trujillo, Reshaping Neuronal Representations of Visual Scence Through Attention. E.N. Lorincz, C.I. Baker, D.I. Perrett, Visual Cues for Attention Following in Rhesus Monkeys. J.R. Anderson, Primates and Representations of Self. J.B. Deregowski, Pictorial Perception: Individual and Group Differences within the Human Species.