Error Analysis of L2 Learners' Writings, a Case Study

This study seeks to identify and analyze errors by means of error analysis procedures in two types of writings. It looks at the types and patterns of errors in the two types of writings examined. They are the narrative and descriptive essays which students of the lower secondary schools are expected to write correctly and accurately. In this study, analyzing the type of errors and the frequency of occurrence would cast insights into reasons underlying the instances in which errors are committed. The study sets out to look at 30 students from secondary school aged fourteen. The students' writings were analyzed via checklists in order to identify the types and patterns of errors made. The findings of the study show that errors are unavoidable. Gaining insight into errors made would therefore throw light into areas of difficulties faced by students in L2 writing. It is suggested that students must have adequate exposure and practice in the L2 to be able to internalize language rules and reduce the tendency of committing errors in their writings. Teachers must therefore contribute effectively to ensure students' ability in using the L2, accurately and fluently in writing.