Optimizing the Su(3) Lattice Gauge Theory Algorithm On the Nec Sx-2 Supercomputer

The SU(3) lattice gauge theory algorithm based on the Metropolis method is vectorized and optimized on the NEC SX-2 supercomputer, a vector uniprocessor, and a link-update time of 14.8 μsec is obtained. In the version of the Metropolis method with the checkerboard data ordering used on a Fujitsu VP-200, the number of calculations needed to evaluate the action from each plaquette was 76 multiplications and 24 additions, while in the new version for the NEC SX-2, the number of cal culations is 18 multiplications and 24 additions. The NEC SX-2 algorithm is 1.2 times faster than the algo rithm on the Fujitsu VP-400 supercomputer system, 2.7 times faster than on a single processor of the CRAY X-MP, and 1.8 times faster than on a four-pipeline CDC Cyber 205.