Persuasion & influence for dummies
Introduction 1 Part I: Preparing to Persuade and Influence 7 Chapter 1: Laying the Groundwork for Persuasion and Influence 9 Chapter 2: Finding Common Ground with Your Audience 27 Chapter 3: Establishing an Emotional Connection 57 Chapter 4: Putting Together a Compelling Case 73 Chapter 5: Establishing Your Credibility 93 Chapter 6: Exhibiting and Exercising Your Expertise 117 Part II: Developing Your Persuasive and Influencing Skills 135 Chapter 7: Listening Actively 137 Chapter 8: Gaining and Maintaining Your Audience s Interest 155 Chapter 9: Gearing Your Approach to Different Decision-Making Styles 177 Part III: Picking the Right Approach 205 Chapter 10: Getting Things Done with the Help of Others 207 Chapter 11: Leading by Example: Quietly Creating Big Change 229 Chapter 12: Appealing to Other People s Drives, Needs and Desires 245 Part IV: Putting Persuasion and Influencing Skills into Practice 271 Chapter 13: Getting Physical: Putting Body Language to Work 273 Chapter 14: Perfecting Your Persuasive Voice 293 Part V: The Part of Tens 321 Chapter 15: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Influence Anyone 323 Chapter 16: Ten Ways to Persuade Electronically: Emails and Beyond 329 Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Persuade over the Phone 339 Chapter 18: Ten Essential Instruments for Your Persuasion Toolkit 347 Index 357