Corticostriatal connections of extrastriate visual areas in rhesus monkeys

The striatal connections of extrastriate visual areas were examined by the autoradiographic technique in rhesus monkeys. The medial as well as the dorsolateral extrastriate regions project preferentially to dorsal and lateral portions of the head and of the body of the caudate nucleus, as well as to the caudodorsal sector of the putamen. The rostral portion of the annectant gyrus has connections to the caudal sector of the body and to the genu, whereas projections from the caudal portion of the lower bank of the superior temporal sulcus are directed to dorsal and central sectors of the head and the body, to the genu and the tail, as well as to the caudal putamen. The ventrolateral extrastriate region is related mainly to the ventral sector of the body, to the genu and the tail, and to the caudal putamen. In contrast, the striatal projections of the ventromedial extrastriate cortex resemble those of the medial and dorsolateral regions. The caudal inferotemporal cortex is related strongly to the tail of the caudate nucleus and to the ventral putamen.

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