CC-FJpy: A Python Package for Extracting Overtone Surface-Wave Dispersion from Seismic Ambient-Noise Cross Correlation

In the past two decades, seismic ambient-noise cross correlation (CC) has been one of the most important technologies in seismology. Usually, only the fundamental-mode surface-wave dispersion was extracted from the ambient noise. Recently, with the frequency–Bessel transform (F-J) method, overtone dispersion can also be extracted from the ambient noise and it adds significant value in inversion. This method has also been verified to be effective for array seismic records of earthquake events. In this article, we describe our algorithm and a Python package called CC-FJpy. For the F-J method, we use the Nvidia’s graphics processing unit to accelerate the computation, which can achieve a 100-fold computational efficiency. We have encapsulated our experiences and technologies into CC-FJpy and tested the CC-FJpy by ambient-noise and earthquake data to ensure its speed and ease of use. Our open-source package CC-FJpy can benefit the development of surface-wave studies using ambient noise and make it easier to start with high-mode surface waves.