Technical viability study for behavioral monitoring of wildlife animals in Doñana: An 802.15.4 coverage study in a Natural Park

The study and monitoring of wildlife and in semi-freedom has always been a subject of great interest. In recent years the technology allows to design low cost systems that facilitate these tasks: microcontrollers, low-power wireless networks, sensors. GPS, satellite and VHF has been used for position tracking and localization of wildlife. Our aim is to design a low-cost system for local monitoring of wildlife (collar or harness) with local memory and remote access. It will use multiples sensors for behavioral and health monitoring and fuse the processed information locally to reduce the stored data, but allowing to be sporadically transmitted through wireless networks. This collar will be based on an embedded low-power microcontroller with 802.15.4 transceiver and a set of sensors to provide data (activity and health) of the animal under monitoring: accelerometers, compass, humidity, temperature, light, microphone, heart rhythm. This collar is called mote in wireless sensors network (WSN) terminology. Only when one mote is closer to an 802.15.4 mote and under request, the collar will dump the information to a host database server through the 802.15.4 network. In this paper we present a viability study of the WSN for Doñana Natural Park for different mote transmission powers, frequencies and distances for coverage. ZigBee and XBee mote has been proven.