Cerium-containing glasses for fast scintillators

Abstract Electromagnetic calorimetry requires fast and dense scintillators, such as CeF 3 . Glasses offer an attractive alternative because their synthesis is easier. Glass formation has been investigated in NaPO 3 –CeF 3 –MF 2 (M=Zn, Cd, Ba, Pb) ternary systems. CeF 3 concentration could reach 35 mol.%, but this content should be smaller to obtain large bulk samples free of crystals. The influence of composition on glass stability to devitrification was systematically investigated. Composition adjustments have been implemented in order to increase the stability of glasses containing 35 mol.% CeF 3 . Scintillation emission wavelength is 370 nm and the scintillation lifetime is 30 ns. Light yield of a 25 mol.% CeF 3 -containing glass (e.g. 45 NaPO 3 –30 BaF 2 –25 CeF 3 ) reaches 60% of that of crystalline CeF 3 .