A critical evaluation of tribological interaction for restorative materials in dentistry

Abstract Dental bio-tribology is a developing and promptly expending research field that develops an understanding for designing of dental implants and better selection of artificial dental material. Importance of tribology in modern restorative dentistry is significantly reviewed including synthetic teeth and dental implants. The wear characteristic is one of the extremely important parameters in demonstrating the clinical success of dental composite restoratives. Superior wear resistance of denture teeth conserves a good relationship of functional stability and harmonious occlusion. The usage of resin based dental composites has increased considerably in recent years. These composites have numerous advantages i.e. good esthetics, significant mechanical properties, potential to cohere to the tooth structure etc. Despite of these benefits tribological aspect of the restorative resin composites are still needing to be focused i.e. low wear resistance of material, especially for posterior teeth and increased wear rate of opposite teeth. The most common wear of dental composite consists of distinct phenomenon such as chemical degradation, abrasion, adhesion, attrition and fatigue. The aim of restorative dentistry is to develop highly wear resistant materials that do not cause wear of opposite tooth structure. This evaluation especially focuses on the investigation of the factors associated with inter-oral movements and mastication process along with the study of distinct wear mechanism, harsh intraoral environments, and effect of occlusal force on the friction and wear characteristics of human teeth. Moreover, this study also fortifies to the wear aspect of resin based dental composites as well as future developments of these materials are recommended from a tribological perspective. Additionally, in dental prosthodontics, the role of chewing motor regulation and periodontal mechanoreceptor responses in occlusal functions has been discussed and also the clinical significances of oral implants interactions in patients for fixed dental prostheses and some clinical case studies of the patients with the presence and absence of periodontal diseases are discussed thoroughly. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

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