Data-Driven Shortest Anypath in Wireless Network Virtualization for Mobile Cyber Physical Systems

The presence of mobile cyber physical systems is only increasing with enhancements in cyber physical systems (CPS), therefore increasing the number of devices connected to the internet. Thus, the surge in wireless demand is expected to increase which puts a huge challenge on the wireless industry to meet the rising demand. Wireless virtualization is an emerging alternative which can help meet the rising demand of end users in CPS or IoTs through mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) which can be constructed adaptively based on the data collected from the users’ demand and the serving base stations. In this paper, we propose data-driven adaptive MVNO construction using anypath forwarding, where a cloud based controller assembles the right set of base stations along with the shortest path suggested by the shortest anypath forwarding (SAF) algorithm so that mobile users can be forwarded towards their destination with minimal handovers and low latency. We contrast the effectiveness of the MVNOs formed by the SAF algorithm and the shortest path algorithm based on BFS with simulation results.