Metacognition and Cognitive Neuropsychology : Monitoring and Control Processes
Contents: Preface. W. Schneider, The Development of Procedural Metamemory in Childhood and Adolescence. L.K. Hall, H.P. Bahrick, The Validity of Metacognitive Predictions of Widespread Learning and Long-Term Retention. C. Umilta, F. Stablum, Control Processes Explored by the Study of Closed-Head-Injury Patients. S. Darling, S. Della Sala, C. Gray, C. Trivelli, Putative Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex: Historical Perspectives and New Horizons. A. Koriat, M. Goldsmith, The Role of Metacognitive Processes in the Regulation of Memory Performance. D.L. Schacter, Illusory Memories: A Cognitive Neuroscience Analysis. C. Cornoldi, The Impact of Metacognitive Reflection on Cognitive Control. T.O. Nelson, A. Graf, J. Dunlosky, A. Marlatt, D. Walker, K. Luce, Effect of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Recall and on Judgments of Learning During the Acquisition of New Information. J. Metcalfe, Insight and Metacognition.