Generation of high-power femtosecond pulse and octave-spanning ultrabroad supercontinuum using all-fiber system

We present the all-fiber system for amplification of high peak power femtosecond pulses. The 260-fs pulses are generated in the passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber (EDF) laser and amplified using the EDF amplifier system. The average and peak powers of the generated pulses are 215 mW and 43.2 kW, respectively, and the pulsewidth is 42.3 fs. Then the amplified pulses are coupled into polarization-maintaining highly nonlinear dispersion-shifted fiber and octave-spanning supercontinuum is generated. The spectral range is widely expanded from 980 to 2570 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this bandwidth is the maximum one in this wavelength region.

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