Application of GPRS Technique for Traffic Data Collection System Communication Software Development and System Evluation

This paper describes software architecture of using GPRS technique to provide wireless data communication for a traffic data collection system. The development of the communication software was based on two scenarios: Centralized Database Management (CDM) and Distributed Data Management (DDM) systems. They were used effectively to improve the current “download on demand” and post event analysis working mode. A “close to the real time” data transmission was achieved. As the essential requirement of an Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), the application of the GPRS technique enabled the user to access the real time traffic data uploaded from multiple road side traffic data collection units. In this study, the authors have successfully developed and tested the communication software of a proposed CDM system and the software architecture of the DDM system was also discussed. For the DDM system, the interface and communication software were designed using Unified Modeling Language and developed as an Object-oriented system based on the .NET platform. The database part was developed using Microsoft SQL. The reliability and the performance of the DDM system were evaluated against proposed hardware configurations.